Legal Notice

  • Object

This policy applies to all processing of personal data carried out by GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING, and is intended to inform the user about the way in which GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING processes personal data (including details of the type of personal data collected and the purpose of the processing) and about the user’s rights in relation to their personal data.

  • Contact – How can I get in touch?

If you have any queries about the Privacy Policy, you may contact GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING by the following means:

  • The head office is located at: Passeig de la Marina, 112 8C, 08302 Mataró
  • The contact telephone number is:- The contact telephone number is: +34 93 1356513

The user may establish direct and effective communication with GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING by means of written communication sent to any of the addresses indicated or by sending an e-mail to the following address: The
details of the person responsible for the processing of your personal data are also provided:

  • Identity of the Responsible: GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING, S.L.
  • Address: Passeig de la Marina, 112 8C, 08302 Mataró
  • E-mail:
  • Identification of processing – How do we collect personal data?

In compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data, in particular,

  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”),

GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING collects the personal data in its possession when the user:

  • (i). completes the forms on (“Site”);
  • (ii). subscribes to the newsletter,
  • (iii). answer a survey or complete a web form;
  • (iv). complete a paper form;
  • (v). sends emails or communicates by telephone, which are then uploaded onto the relevant forms;
  • Personal Data Collected – What personal data do we collect?

GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING collects information when you visit its website, and especially when you complete the registration forms.

The following data is collected: full name, e-mail address and telephone number.

As a general rule, when in order to use a service or access certain content some personal data is requested, the provision of such data shall not be obligatory, except in those cases where it is specifically indicated that it is required for the provision of the service, in which case the user may freely choose not to register and/or not to contract the services.

The user declares and guarantees that all data provided by him/her are true and correct, and undertakes to keep them up to date. Changes may be communicated to the Data Protection Officer or to the address indicated in Section 2 hereof.

Likewise, the user acknowledges that the data required by GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING are necessary, appropriate and not excessive for the purposes expressed in Section 5 hereof, which would be impossible to fulfil if such data were not provided.

Any false or inaccurate statement that may occur as a result of the information and data provided, as well as any damage that such information may cause, shall be the responsibility of the user.

  • Purpose – What do we use personal data for?

The personal data requested from the user will be used for the following purposes:

  • In the event of contracting services offered through the Site, to create and maintain the commercial relationship and to carry out the activities and provide the services of GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING (including, without limitation, the management, administration, provision and improvement of services).
  • Send newsletters, as well as commercial communications, promotions and/or advertising from GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING, either occasionally or periodically. In this sense, the e-mail address provided by the user when completing the form on the Site may be used to send information and updates on the request for services, as well as news about GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING (whether occasionally or periodically), updates, information on related products or services, among others. This processing is based on our legitimate interest in promoting our products and services.
  • Conduct a survey or administer a competition.
  • Personalise the user experience, increasing our ability to respond to user needs.
  • To improve GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING’s website and service offering, based on GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING’s legitimate interest in constantly improving its products and services.
  • To process transactions and comply with the legal obligations to which GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING is subject, such as, for example, tax obligations. The data subject to processing will not be used for purposes other than or incompatible with those mentioned above and which motivated their collection. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is hereby stated that the data recorded may be used, in addition to the purposes for which they were expressly collected, for the purposes of statistics, incident management or market research. However, in the event that personal data are processed for a purpose other than that initially specified when the data were collected, a compatibility analysis will be carried out by GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING in accordance with the applicable regulations. The processing will only be authorised if the original purpose is compatible with the new purpose or permitted in accordance with an independent legal basis. In these cases the user will be informed of changes in purpose or legal justification for the processing of his or her data.
     We remind the user that he/she may oppose the sending of commercial communications (unsubscribe) and stop receiving e-mails from GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING by notifying GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING in an irrefutable manner, who will proceed to discontinue as soon as possible after receiving such communication. To this end, you may send an e-mail to the address indicated in Section 2, a postal mail to the address indicated in Section 2 hereof, or directly follow the unsubscribe instructions detailed at the end of each e-mail from GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING.
  • How do we use your information?

We will use the information we collect about you for the following purposes:

  • Administration information
  • Testimonials

If we want to use your information for any other purpose, we will ask for your consent and we will use your information only upon receiving your consent and then only for the purposes for which you give consent, unless we are required by law to do otherwise.

We will retain your personal information with us for 12 months after user accounts become inactive or for as long as we need it to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, as detailed in this Privacy Policy.

  • Consent

By providing personal data to GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING, the user declares that he/she fully and unreservedly accepts the processing of such data by GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING. The user hereby grants his/her free, express and informed consent for GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING to use the data collected for the purposes indicated in Section 5 hereof, as well as its incorporation for this purpose in a GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING database.

GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING processes the user’s data on the basis of: (i) the contracting of GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING services by the user, in accordance with the terms and conditions that are made available to the user at the end of completing the service request form (prior to any eventual contracting) and which the user (after reading them), and in the event that he/she agrees, can accept by ticking the box included for this purpose; and (ii) the user’s free, informed and unequivocal consent, given after reviewing this privacy policy where GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING informs the user of the processing of his/her data, and if the user agrees, by ticking the box included for this purpose on the service request form. The processing of data that is not covered by any of the legal bases indicated above will be carried out if GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING considers it necessary to safeguard a legitimate interest and only if it does not contravene the fundamental rights and freedoms of the user.

  • Shelf life – How long do we store them for?

Data will be destroyed or archived when they are no longer strictly necessary or relevant for the purposes detailed in Section 5 above. In particular, personal data will be retained for as long as the business relationship is in force (and insofar as the user has not previously requested its deletion) and for as long as obligations, indemnities and/or liabilities may arise under the business relationship or for the services provided.
 GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING informs that it will retain the information necessary to identify the origin of the data stored for the duration of the client’s relationship with GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING and/or revocation of consent by the user in accordance with the information provided in Section 5 of this Privacy Policy and/or the time required by applicable law.

  • Confidentiality / Assignment / International Transfer – Do we disclose data to third parties?

GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING shall keep the personal data collected under confidentiality and reserve, and shall not use the same for purposes other than those set forth in Section 5 hereof. GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING requires the signing of confidentiality and personal data processing agreements by its employees and third party service providers who access the content of the databases (or includes such obligations within the service agreements it signs with such service providers as indicated in the next paragraph).

The user’s personal data collected by GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING will not be transferred, sold, exchanged, transmitted and/or communicated to any third party outside GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING without the user’s consent, unless legally required and/or for the purpose of providing services to the user. This does not include certain employees and service providers who enable GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING to keep the Site operational, to fulfil the purposes set out in Section 5 hereof and/or to provide the services to the user, who have assumed the obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the data provided and have undertaken to comply with the applicable regulations on personal data protection at the time of their contracting. The contracts with the service providers stipulate the purpose, scope, content, duration, nature and purpose of the data processing, the type of personal data, the categories of data subjects and the obligations and responsibilities of GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING and the contracted third parties.

In particular: GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING may share the personal information provided with GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING’s controlling companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, related companies and/or intermediaries related to GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING.

GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING may share certain personal information provided by the user internally within GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING, with certain departments, such as administration, marketing or IT.

**- In certain cases GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING transfers personal data based on legitimate interest and on the economic and technical advantages associated with the use of specialised providers. In this regard: – Linkedin. The Site contains links to Linkedin. As indicated in Section 13 herein, by using these links the user is leaving the Site and is redirected to Linkedin. The user can consult the privacy policy and other legal aspects of Linkedin at the following link: ** **- Social Networks. GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING also uses social networks such as Facebook or Instagram, and has integrated functions of these networks into its services. The user may only use these social networks to the extent that he/she is registered with them and has logged in with his/her user on the corresponding social network. These social networks have their own privacy policies and their own terms and conditions, over which GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING has no influence or control. **

Finally, you should be aware that GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING may (and GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING reserves the right to) disclose your information in the following cases: (i) if required by a judicial or administrative authority; (ii) if necessary in order to exercise your rights under GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING’s Terms and Conditions and under this Privacy Policy; (iii) if necessary to comply with the law; (iv) if such data may be useful for the protection of third party rights; (v) when it is useful for the protection of the rights, property or safety of GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING, its controlling, controlled, related parties, directors, managers, employees, users or the general public; and (vi) when there are justified reasons relating to public safety, national defence or public health.

  • Security – How do we ensure data security?

GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING declares its intention to adopt the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD in order to avoid its adulteration, loss, consultation or unauthorised processing.

GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING does not guarantee absolute privacy in the use of the Site, as the possibility that unauthorised third parties may gain knowledge of the same cannot be ruled out. The user acknowledges that the existing technical means that provide security are not impregnable and that even when all reasonable security precautions are taken, it is possible to suffer manipulation, destruction and/or loss of information. In the event that a security incident is detected and involves a significant risk to the data subject, the competent supervisory authority shall be notified without delay, together with the corrective and mitigating measures implemented and/or to be implemented.

GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING accepts no responsibility for the loss or deletion of data by users. Likewise, GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING accepts no responsibility for possible damage caused by computer viruses.

Finally, the user must also take measures to protect his or her information. GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING insists that you take every precaution to protect your personal information while on the Internet. At a minimum, you are advised to change your password periodically, using a combination of letters and numbers, and to ensure that you are using a secure browser.

  • Data subjects’ rights and procedures for responding to them – What rights do I have as a data subject?

The user who owns the data may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation of processing, portability, confidentiality and deletion of their personal data, in accordance with the provisions of articles 15 and following of the RGPD, as applicable. These rights may be exercised by the user by sending an email to, or by any of the methods provided for in the applicable regulations referred to above. GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING may request the necessary data to validate the identification of the owner of the data.

The deletion of certain data shall not be carried out if it would be prejudicial to the rights or legitimate interests of third parties, or if there is a legal obligation to retain the data.

  • Training – Do we train?

The staff of GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING whose functions are related to the processing of personal data is trained in order to ensure better protection of personal data and the rights of data subjects.

  • Links to third parties – Does our site contain links to other sites?

The Site may contain links to third party sites, with or without advertising content, whose privacy policies are unrelated to GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING. The linked sites are not related to GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING and their existence in no way implies that there is any kind of suggestion, invitation or recommendation to visit the destination sites or any kind of link or association between GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING and such sites. GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING shall not be responsible or liable for the contents, use and activities of these linked websites, nor for any damages, whether actual or potential, material or moral, direct or indirect, suffered by users and arising from the information contained in such sites or from the relationship that users may enter into with third parties whose services have been published on the Site. Without prejudice to the foregoing, any comments on these linked websites will be useful to GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING in order to improve the services and/or ensure the integrity of the Site. GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING undertakes to do its utmost to avoid the existence on its Site of links to sites with illegal content.

  • Cookies – Do we use cookies?

When you access the Site, GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING may store some information on your computer in the form of a “cookie” or similar file. The Site uses cookies to (i) track advertising, (ii) collect data about Site traffic, and (iii) improve the user’s experience when using the Site.

The user should be aware that in order to browse the Site, it is not necessary for the user to allow the installation of cookies sent by the Site. This may only be required for certain services. The user can delete cookies from the hard disk of his computer, prevent access to his computer either through his browser or by choosing the corresponding option when consulted about the possibility of using cookies for these purposes and in accordance with the Cookies Policy of GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING.

Cookies are information files that a website or the provider of certain website services transfers to the hard drive of the user’s computer through the browser software. Cookies themselves cannot personally identify the user (although they may contain the user’s IP address) but they allow them to recognise the user’s browser, and to capture and store certain data (the user’s operating system, domain name of the website from which the user linked to the Site, among others). GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING reserves the right to hire the services of third parties to analyse and understand the users of the Site, who may not use the information collected for purposes other than to improve GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING’s services.

  • Acceptance

The use of the Site by the user implies knowledge and full acceptance of GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING’s Privacy Policy and GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING’s Terms and Conditions if any. Likewise, the user accepts GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING’s Privacy Policy and GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING’s Terms and Conditions by completing the request for services.

  • Modifications – Is this the most current version?

This is the current version of GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING’s Privacy Policy, updated on May 29, 2023.

GRAU INNOVATION CONSULTING may at any time and without prior notice modify this Privacy Policy. Such modifications will be operative from the time they are published on the Site or from the time they are notified to users by any means, whichever occurs first. The user must keep informed of the terms contained herein by logging in periodically.